You are enough.

There are so many things I wish that I could change about myself. Things about my personality, my appearance, my weaknesses and character flaws, bad habits I seem to never be able to change. My struggles with anxiety and self-doubts, my tendency to overthink things and get stuck in the past. But, mostly I wish I could go back in time to the younger Amy in Middle School and high school and College and tell myself that it's normal to feel this way. That almost everyone feels this way. That there is nothing wrong with me. That my struggles don't Define me. That I don't have to be accepted by my peers in order to feel loved. That when my heart was broken, it didn't mean that I was broken or that I wasn't good enough. That instead of trying to prove myself to myself, those around me, and somehow show those who rejected me that I was enough, I could go forward with my head held high and my heart full knowing who I was and that I was enough. That God loves me. And everyone goes through rejection and insecurities no matter how perfect they seem to appear. I wasn't the most pretty or the smartest or the most talented or the most popular. But that didn't have to define my self image. I could define who I was for myself and live up to that definition no matter what anyone around me thought. No matter who I thought I needed to impress. I could let go of everyone else's opinions and embrace myself.  All we can do is love ourselves, know that God loves us, and show love to all those around us. That is the way to happiness and joy. Nothing else matters. At the end of the day, at the end of our lives, when we take our last breath, we will not wish that we made more money or had nicer clothes or more followers on Instagram. We will only Wonder if we loved enough and if we gave of ourselves enough to others.

I know how it feels to not feel beautiful, happy, confident, strong, capable.  I know how it feels to feel like you're failing, sinking, barely holding on.
The only thing that has pulled me through these dark moments is to rely on my Savior's promise that I am not alone.
To turn to him and let him take the wheel.
To allow myself in all of my imperfect efforts to be enough the way I am and let Him make up for the rest.
You are enough.
I am enough.
With God, we are enough.
Each day is a new day.
Let today be filled with faith.  Lean on whatever higher power you believe it.
 You are not alone.
Comparison is the thief of joy.
