The Cardigan Tag

Have you ever seen someone with toilet paper stuck to their shoe, or a bogie showing in their nose, yadda yadda, and didn't know if you should say something? Years ago, I decided it was best to nicely say something. It isn't easy, though.

Well,  this last Sunday, at church, this darling and beautiful and nicest lady had a beautiful cardigan on, under which you could see her store tag was still attached.  How embarrsssing, I thought.  I quickly caught my judgemental thought and went to trying to decide whether or not I should let her know...

She apparently got that cute outfit at ...
I should shop there.
Oh yea,  should I say something?
What if she wanted to keep it on in case she wanted to return it sometime?
Then she will feel like she is obligated to remove the tag to save herself from further embarrassment and later resent my help because her refund plan would be sabotaged.
My sister used to do that...
I don't do that... but you never know.
Maybe she will see it later and just be relieved that no one noticed...

Then, class was over.  She left. I left.  Everyone survived the tag being left on her cardigan. Phew.  I'm glad that wasn't me.

Later on that day:

My kids are getting pajamas on.
I'm tired from the social life church brings to my life, although I do love it.
I'm dreading bedtime.
Why does bedtime have to be so exhausting? Why can't my kids just be calm when their tired?!
I get my pajamas out.
I get my hanger ready to hang up my church clothes... including my cardigan which I had worn for the first time that day...
...with the tag still on and visible through the thin, beige fabric.
My heart burst with hilarity.

What is the moral of this life long lesson?
Of course it is to always take off your tags.  No, just kidding. 

I am grateful that I would never judge a person based on their tag status, but I did think it must be embarrassing for her.  And, I guess I was unknowingly emotionally supporting her through the tragedy by also going through the same trial of the lingering tag.  

But, seriously.
How quick are we to laugh at or judge others only to find out later the real story behind their appearance, or struggles, or shortcomings? How often do we think we are better than others when we are simply unaware of our own weaknesses? 

how many of the other ladies at church saw that BOTH of us had our dang tags showing through the backs of our cardigans... and didnt say ANYTHING and thought how funny it was? You ladies are guilty as charged.

Of course, a tag is no big deal, and this is a silly, inconsequential story.  But, it was so funny to me... and taught a good lesson.

What moral do you see in this lesson?
 What do you take from it?
  Comment below!

I love you all, tags and all!

